Monday, December 26, 2011


    Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth ,he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the MALE child.The woman who was riding the beast ,the beast which rules the world with iron.The woman so clothed in the sun ,but the moon lays under the feet.The earth is to make an image to the beast.The beast who was wounded by the word
   When woman was persecuted , they inturn persecuted sons who turned into beasts,The beastly heart is an abormination to God ,which activates the seven wraths of God carried out by angels.
When man rages with himself and the world and fails to overcome is status or achieve ,he loses his beastly self. The war is over and he discovers that light indeed is truth and truth is strength ,that its not by might nor by power but by the spirit.These are those that overcame .
    A woman riding the beast is a womans attempt to control the beast she created , By offering wine ,wine representing corruption and beauty ,corrupting the heart through her sexual appeal ,the beast yields because its heart is already perverted "without light".
For hash discipline is for him who forsakes the way Proverbs 15:10 .The way being mentioned in here is the way of the spirit, the way of light or Gods instruction.Fools are servants to the wise of hearts Proverbs .An unwise heart is a perverted heart a corrupted heart which runs by obeying the image that the woman gives on its beastly heart.
Only those that died in the spirit overcame the beast,Those whos names were written in the lambs book of life.
Beast =Nature of the heart of man ,woman on beast =Womans tendacy to try nature that which has became ,because both are perverted ,  man tends to use might and iron control while woman tries to use her looks, the sweetness of sexual appeal to control.The woman holding a cup of redwine .Red wine is refered to by king Solomon in provbs



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