Friday, July 22, 2011


And in an invisible loud voice i heard him say my mate is determined by my goals "WHAT IS YOUR GOAL!",i also remember the same voice telling me to "GIVE ONE OF YOUR BAGS  AWAY!" to a friend that was trying to steal it .i remember waking up saying that was too loud ,with sweat dripping on my body.
    For a moment i thought i was tripping but the visual of seeing one of my friend plotting my demise via gunshot shook me to the core , receiving clear digital visuals  of were and when ,who was behind was something i never could have imagined i would forsee something like this coming except ofcourse by the Ghost that sees whats in the unseen realm.
   Later that day i took off running in the opposite direction and the funny thing is that the one behind my demise had told his friends that he had setup a scheme that will get rid of me once and for all, so he went ahead and i guess paid for someone specialized in such things to do it .The moment i stepped out of the building , friends were seating down ,its like awaiting something to happen, not knowing that i had received a notice in my vision that night ,by the way these guys hardly ever come to the place unless there is a special event or somethings going on ,Anyway i took off running in the oposite direction to avoid the region .
     Come to find out the one who schemed it was in fear , fear because i run like something told me, i saw great fear of me and great respect because he knew unless a supernatural being had told him , there is no ways i would have known.
    To this day i see shock on his face.
 Another incident , well i met this friend , ofcourse like most people he had problems too,he was in some bad stuff i suspect as i was constantly getting inner knowledge of him.Anyway the deal with this dude was that i was to help him get an apartment , so we planned it,Night before i was to go out with him to sign the paperwork ,i got another visual dream , so vivid it was clear in picture and sound , i watched him talk on the phone telling one of his friends how he was going to strangle me when i get to sleep at the new apartment that i was going to help him get.
        It was so clear that i heard him say they will never find out since they have no ID of me anywere around ,reason being was that i was dangerous because i knew too much and was seeing into his dark life and deeds .and that if i uncover anything , i might report ,so its best to get rid of me .
   To cut the long story short, i never went out with him , he didnt see me for a good number of days and when he saw me , he was very very scared because he knew something might have told me about his plot.
   Since that day he disappeared



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