Thursday, October 20, 2011


Birds are creatures of the earth Genesis 1
KEY                                                      KEY    
Birds = Thoughts
Creatures =Spirits

Creatures of the waters moved according to the boundaries , there dimension or realm ,in other words , there dominion.
Birds are thoughts according to the proverbs  of solomon , thats why its easy to pickup other peoples thoughts because of there nature to fly.
Creatures are spirits taking up animal forms that can only be subdued with the light .or whosoever has the image of God , which is mankind himself according to Genesis

The fact that thoughts are like birds that fly simply means that the same way that we can intercept the bird from flying , we can also intercept a thought or our thought from being read.

Creatures have teritory, meaning that they can be defeaded by simply manipulating teritory or changing the dynamics of the nature in which they live .Creatures can also be deemed as the animalistic nature that man takes as a result of prolonged absence from his essecence or light


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